Research. Before buying anything on eBay you should research the item’s retail price. Then consider the eBay listing closely. Make sure you read the item description and return policy carefully and double check the shipping costs, because they are often higher than you would expect. Look at the seller’s rating and only buy from sellers with positive feedback in the high nineties. Contact the seller if you have any questions or would like more information about an item (for example, check to make sure the item comes from a non-smoking home or it will almost certainly smell upon arrival). Watch out for items that say, “reserve not met yet.” Even if you win the item, if there is a reserve that has not been met you have not really “won” and the seller is not under any obligation to give the item to you.
Evaluate. Think carefully about how much you want an item and what you are really willing to pay for it. It is almost impossible to undo a bid without repercussions once it is placed, and if you underbid and the item goes to another person you may be very disappointed. If you really love something, consider the “buy it now” option if there is one, which may cost a little bit more, but ensures the sale (this option disappears from a listing as soon as someone bids). To further decrease your environmental impact, you can sort identical items by distance and choose the one that is closest to home, which can also decrease the cost of shipping.
Payment. Make sure you will be in town and able to get online within a day or two of the auction’s end, as sellers can re-list an item if they do not receive prompt payment from you. Set up a Paypal account because some sellers do not accept other forms of payment, and it allows you to pay with a visa or bank account instead of a check. Paypal also has a protection plan incase the item does not arrive in good condition.
If you are interested in buying or selling wedding wares I also recommend checking out the new site which is like an eBay or Craigslist just for weddings: Recycle Your Wedding <--- Click Here

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