Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sustainable Choices


Dear Kate,

Right now, we are in the stage of planning where we are looking for a florist, and subsequently ideas for centerpieces and bouquets, and we're also beginning to look for invitations. Do you have any advice on how to ensure green centerpieces, bouquets and invitations? Thanks so much!


Hi Gail,

First, if you have not already, I recommend taking a look in the interactive look book. There you can find hundreds of links to vendors that offer environmentally friendly invitations, flowers and centerpieces. If you are crafty and want to make invitations I also recommend looking in the DIY section.

If you want to use local flowers, you can check local harvest to find growers, or call around and see if any of the florists in your area are able to use local, seasonal and organic blooms. For centerpieces consider potted plants, or baskets of sustainable treats.

Finally, to answer your general question - the best way to avoid "greenwashing" and to find reliable eco-friendly products is to rely on certifying agencies (e.g. USDA organic food, FSC certified wood products, or Fair Trade Certified favors). When dealing with local companies or vendors I think the easiest way to tell if they are green is to just ask questions. Ask potential florists where they source their flowers from, whether they can avoid using disposable florist tape and foam, and if they can donate the flowers for you after the celebration. Ask caterers where they get their meat, what they do with empty can and bottles, and whether they can compost or donate leftovers. In my experience, companies and people who are committed to being green will be eager to talk about these details - while companies that are hoping to sneak through with an eco-sounding name will try to change the topic quickly. Go with the gut.

That said, if you have a particular theme or item in mind and want specific suggestions please let me know - I am more than happy to help!

Wishing you all the best,


1 comment:

Ellen said...

Local Color Flowers (www.locoflo.com) is a Baltimore-based Floral Design company specializing in the use of locally grown cut flowers. Did you know almost 80% of flowers purchased in the US are imported from other countries? Imported flowers expend tremendous resources, require preservative chemicals for their journey, and are often the product of deplorable working conditions.

Local Color Flowers is committed to the responsible use of resources, and the support of our local economy and farms. We provide an environmentally and socially conscious alternative for our customers.

We service the Baltimore Washington metro area. If you are not in the area, ask your florist if they are willing to buy directly from Local Cut Flower growers in your area. They can be found at http://www.ascfg.org/