Tuesday, December 23, 2008

BYO Vegan Makeup?

Hi Kate,

I am a vegan who tries lives as organically and ego-friendly as possible, and will be the Maid of Honor in my sister's wedding next May. Alas, my sister is not vegan, nor anyone else involved! I know that she is booking makeup and hair treatments for all the bridesmaids the day of the wedding... would it be appropriate to ask my stylist to only use vegan makeup on me, or, alternatively, to bring in my own vegan products for the stylists to work with? If yes, could you recommend a good makeup company? I use Gabriel cosmetics for every-day use, but have a feeling that is not glam enough for wedding-photo quality.

Thank you!


HI Rebecca,

First, I think it is great that you are thinking about this. In addition to being tested on animals, many cosmetics contain animal-derived ingredients and are not suitable for vegans. I think it is perfectly appropriate to call ahead and ask the salon if they offer vegan or cruelty-free makeup options. If not, you should feel free to bring in whatever products you would like them to use. This practice is actually more common than you might imagine, as many people are allergic to certain ingredients or want to use their favorite lip color, nail color etc. Any stylist worth their salt will be able to make you look glamorous as long as you provide the basics. If you want to be safe, ask what types of makeup they usually emply (liquid foundation, bronzer, liners, etc.) and bring one of each. If you are willing to share, I would also let your fellow bridesmaids know about your plan - maybe they will even go in on a few of the items with you!

As for brands, there are a lot of great options out there and it really depends on your budget which ones make sense for you. I suggest taking a look at Beautorium - as they have a great selection of vegan choices. You can also peruse the list of companies that have taken a pledge against animal testing here.

Thanks again for writing, and I hope you will come back after the wedding and share pictures!



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